The SWECO 710 Series Wheel Type Offset Stubble Disc Harrow is specifically designed as a rugged stubble disc. Its frame is constructed of heavy-wall structural tubing to prevent cracking under strain. SWECO’s large double tapered roller bearing assemblies are mounted on trunnions that can pivot if the gang flexes. Spring-type weight adjusters are used for the fore-aft leveling and multi-position drawbar hitch allows for the proper draft angle. The 710 also uses genuine SWECO hydraulic cylinders.

Like all SWECO products, it is constructed by a company that knows how to build durable farm implements. The main frame is made from 8″x8″x1/2″ structural tubing and the gang frame is made from 8″x8″x5/8″ structural tubing, to prevent cracking when the disc flexes under strain. Another feature for a long, trouble-free life is the fact that all pivot points have large, hardened tension bushings with built-in high wear factor.
The SWECO adjustable scraper system is designed for easy clean out and the least amount of trash build up.
Implement Widths: 12’ – 21’
Blade Spacing: 14″
32″ x 3/8″ Notched Blades (std)
Options: Heavy duty (10-hole) budd wheel
hubs and 14 x 17.5 10 ply tires